Deliverance Training Manual


Welcome to the Moving Mountains Deliverance Training Manual.

There is nothing more exhilarating or life-changing than experiencing the power of God and His unconditional love. What an honor it is to co-labor with the Lord to bring about lasting transformation in people.

The three objectives of this training are: 

  1. To equip you to effectively minister to people in the areas of deliverance and healing.
  2. To teach you how to be led by the Holy Spirit while praying for others.
  3. For you to personally experience God’s love, freedom (self-deliverance), and a closer relationship with Him.

When we personally experience the healing power of Jesus, we are passionate for others to experience it as well.


The Table of Contents are as follows:

Section 1: Deliverance

Biblical Foundations of Deliverance Ministry

Essentials of Deliverance Ministry

Five Causes of Demonic Oppression:

  1. Willful Sin
  2. Trauma
  3. Occult Involvement
  4. Accursed Objects
  5. Generational

Recognizing Symptoms of Demonic Oppression

How to Recognize Demonic Manifestations

What To Do If a Person Manifests

Recognizing When a Person is Being Delivered

Weapons of Deliverance Warfare

Important Aspects of Deliverance

Deliverance Lessons Learned

Help! The Demons Won’t Go

Praying Deliverance for Children

Section 2: Deliverance Ministry Tools

How to Maintain Freedom in Christ

The Power of Forgiveness (4-way Forgiveness Prayer)

Generational Healing Teaching and Prayer

How to Pray for Inner Healing

Breaking Soul Ties

Inner Vows: Teaching and Prayer

Judgments: Teaching and Prayer

Occult Questionnaire and Prayer for Deliverance

The Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Teaching and Prayer


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