Teen Workbook


The Moving Mountains curriculum is designed to:

  • Identify the root causes of “mountains” (i.e. obstacles, strongholds, bondages) in a teen’s life, so they can be set free. Jesus says in John 8:32 “the truth will set you free.”
  • Deepen the participants’ relationship with God by learning how to hear His voice through listening prayer—modeled at the end of each session (i.e. asking God questions in prayer and pausing to listen).
  • Provide practical help to overcome problems that are common to teens.
  • Teach effective spiritual warfare.


Can I go through the Moving Mountains workbook by myself?

Yes! The Moving Mountains workbook was designed for individual use and for small groups.

How long is Moving Mountains?

There are 28 sessions which are around 4 pages long (122 total pages). It takes about 20 minutes to go through each interactive session. It’s the perfect amount of time for your daily devo! If you are going through Moving Mountains by yourself, you could complete one session per day for a total of four weeks or complete it at your own pace.

For small groups, Moving Mountains is an eight-week group with an accompanying workbook. The participants individually complete four sessions per week. Once a week, the group members gather to encourage each other and discuss what they have learned. Facilitators use a leader guide which asks questions to engage the participants in meaningful discussion and it includes additional commentary.

How do I reach someone at Moving Mountains Ministries?

Please contact us at: info@movingmountainsmin.com

God bless you!


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