Moving Mountains FAQs
Yes! The Moving Mountains workbook was designed for individual use or for small groups.
There are 28 sessions which are around 4 pages long (122 total pages). It takes about 20 minutes to complete each session. If you are going through Moving Mountains by yourself, you could do one session per day for a total of four weeks, or complete it at your own pace.
For church small groups, Moving Mountains is an eight-week group, but you can structure it shorter or longer.
For an eight-week group, the participants individually complete four sessions of the workbook per week. The group members gather weekly to encourage each other and discuss what they have learned. Leaders use the Facilitator Guide which provides questions, insights and commentary to help engage the participants in meaningful discussion. The Facilitator Guide also contains details on how to best structure the group. Additionally, you can find a Moving Mountains Facilitator Training by Pastor Lauren King on YouTube at:
There is a wide range of individuals who can benefit from completing the Moving Mountains workbook:
- Those who wouldn’t consider themselves a Christian, but are open to the faith and have questions about Jesus.
- Those who are struggling with depression, anxiety, rejection, disappointment, shame, anger, fear, suicidal thoughts, or are hearing voices.
- Those who want to learn powerful and effective spiritual warfare.
- Those who are in destructive cycles and want to break them.
- Those who can’t seem to forgive themselves or others.
- Those who want to learn how to hear God’s voice. Jesus says in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
- Those who want to understand the power of God and operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- Those who want to experience the abundant life that Jesus said he came to give (John 10:10).
It’s not an exhaustive list, but some of the topics include:
- Freedom from Shame
- Overcoming Rejection
- Hearing God
- Healing your Image of God
- Overcoming the Enemy
- Freedom from Fear & Anxiety
- Understanding Anger
- Generational Healing
- What Forgiveness Is and Is Not
- Healing of Disappointment
- Breaking Lies of the Enemy
- Healthy Boundaries
- Inner Healing
- Breaking Soul Ties (Sexual Healing)
- Spiritual Warfare
- Breaking Judgments
- Inner Vows
- Hidden Traps of the Enemy
- Experiencing the Power of God
- Prayer that Moves Mountains
All 28 topics and page numbers are the same, however the difference is that the teen workbook has language, examples, testimonies and pictures which are geared specifically for teens.
Because the 28 topics are the same, yes, they can be done together in a group. The facilitator is welcome to use the teen or adult Facilitator Guide. The questions align and are similar.
From the huge amount of testimonies we’ve received (which you can read under the Testimonies tab), it is clear that people grow closer to God, learn practical ways to help overcome life’s challenges, hear the Lord’s voice more clearly, are healed from wounds and trauma from their past, are thankful for what God did in them, and are optimistic about the future.
Yes, we have a “Facilitator Guide” for both the adult and teen versions which accompanies the workbook. It contains questions, insights, and commentary for every session to help foster meaningful discussion for a group. The Facilitator Guide also contains details on how to best structure the group. Additionally, you can find a Moving Mountains Facilitator Training by Pastor Lauren King on YouTube at:
Absolutely! It takes about 20 minutes to complete a Moving Mountains session, which can be great to use as a daily devotional.
For church small groups, Moving Mountains is an eight-week group, but you can tailor it to a length that fits your needs. For eight-weeks, the participants individually complete four sessions per week. The group members gather weekly to encourage each other and discuss what they have learned. Group leaders use the Facilitator Guide which provides questions to engage the participants in meaningful discussion. The Facilitator Guide contains details on how to best structure the group. Additionally, you can find a Moving Mountains Facilitator Training by Pastor Lauren King on YouTube at:
Listen to Pastor Lauren share her testimony, experience, and expertise which led to creating Moving Mountains in the video on the About page or YouTube link:
We have received hundreds! You can read them on the Testimonies tab. After you complete the workbook yourself, we’d love for you to share your testimony with us! To submit your testimony, please use this link:
The workbook offers help and practical tools to overcome each of those, as well as many other challenges that are common to most people today.
In a small group, the recommended pace is to complete four sessions per week for a total of eight weeks (28 sessions). However, you can tailor it to a shorter or longer group and divvy up the sessions accordingly.
If you want to go through Moving Mountains on your own, we suggest doing no more than one session per day. You don’t want to rush through it. We like to say that the amount of time, effort and focus you put into it, you will get the same level of life transformation from it.
Yes, it is a Christian workbook. We believe that it is only in a relationship with Jesus Christ that true, lasting transformation can happen. However, if you aren’t a Christian but have questions about Jesus, Moving Mountains has sessions that can help you too!
Yes. There may be some sessions which you know you need more than others. In that case, you may want to go through those sessions again. Or perhaps you want to go through all of them again because you could feel the Lord doing a work in you and know He still has more for you. The workbook can also be used as a reference manual. Meaning, in the future when an issue surfaces, you can turn to that specific session for help in how to overcome it.
No. To benefit the most from the workbook, you just need a desire for transformation and a willing, open heart.
It would be helpful to have a Bible (or Bible app) so you can read the context of the scriptures that are shared in the workbook. But no resources are required to begin your Moving Mountains journey.
We want to celebrate with you! Please share your testimony using this link:
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