Moving Mountains Prayer Ministry
prayer appointment scheduling coming soon!
I was delivered from fear and depression. I feel free and can have a victorious life now. I’m so thankful I participated in this life changing experience!
Free from Fear and Depression
I was able to get freedom from anger, pornography addiction and pride, was able to forgive my mother, and was able to see Jesus in a brand-new way through inner healing.
Set Free from Anger, Porn Addiction, Pride, and Unforgiveness
I was set free from anger and rejection
Free from Anger and Rejection
I grew in humility, patience & more compassion for God’s people
Spiritual Growth
Although the whole testimony is too long to type, I had breakthroughs in the area of generational healing, particularly in the area of Freemasonry.
Generational Healing
I received more healing, clarity and I’m now attuned with God’s voice.
Healing and Clarity
I was enlightened in some areas that I need to set boundaries in my life and God confirmed the Gifts of Holy Spirit.
Boundaries and Gifts of the Spirit
My marriage was restored while going through Moving Mountains.
Marriage Restored
On week 7 I was healed of back pain! I can now do my exercises.
Back Pain Healed
I’ve had a tough life. I was sexually abused by multiple people. On week 8 I got delivered of the molestation and experienced deep peace. I feel free!
Healed of Sexual Abuse
The Moving Mountains workbook definitely helped to strengthen my relationship with all of the questions between me and God. I had never really thought about just simply asking those questions I almost feel like I just need to listen only. It’s helped me understand God’s character more.
Hearing from God
I had a breakthrough when asking God where he was during a time of unfortunate circumstances. He took me back to several different events and showed me he was there all along and I found healing in that. I’m beyond grateful for this curriculum and will definitely share it with others.
Inner Healing
My sister who plans to attend the next Moving Mountains small group, did the generational healing prayer with me in the workbook. She had medical testing and bloodwork done yesterday and she no longer has diabetes or a heart problem after we prayed through the generational healing session!
Healed of Heart Problem & Diabetes
I recognized why I hated liquor so much during the week of Inner Healing. I was molested around age 12 and the person was drunk. So I struggled with the judgment of those who drink. But my biggest breakthrough was understanding that issues with intimacy with my husband stemmed from molestation. I’m learning not to judge and understand that alcoholism is a sickness and spirit but also recognizing how important boundaries are as well.
Inner Healing
On the last night of our Moving Mountains small group, during prayer…the Lord showed me a mountain with the word PRIDE and then another mountain with word WARFARE in capital letters. I had prayed to be set free from pride and lots of warfare that I experienced. I saw Jesus cast the mountains into the sea.
Delivered of Pride
Generational healing was life changing for me. I knew going through generational healing would bring up a lot of tough emotions for me based off my childhood. I have had a debilitating autoimmune illness for 6 years. My body was attacking itself. I felt that I wasn’t worthy to be healed because I had a root of self-hatred. Once I realized the root of this autoimmune disease was self-hated, I felt the final chain drop & God healed me completely. I have been pain free and completely healed ever since.
Healed of Autoimmune Disease
The big testimony was freedom from generational curses and the new age. Just knowing that my prayers set me and others free and then seeing it happen in real time was God's Hand all over it, to Him goes the glory!
Generational Healing
I have a personal testimony: I saw the image of a healthy lung after asking God what He wanted to heal in me. This was important to me because I was diagnosed with small airway disease (portions of my airway are smaller than normal which affects airflow and leads to shortness of breath) when I was young and have had breathing difficulties much of my life. I took a deep breath and I don't think I've breathed that deeply without some difficulty or coughing. I'm still breathing easy.
Healing of Lungs
My husband and I did the Moving Mountains workbook together. We had gone through an incredibly trying season for the past few years. We received a huge breakthrough after Session 21: Breaking Soul Ties. We had no idea the kind of effect an unhealthy soul tie had on our lives, but praise God!! We are now free and experiencing joy again in our marriage. We are truly enjoying each other again in every way!!
Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties and Marriage Restored
I was delivered from sexual sin and lust. I had been dealing with this since I was 8 years old starting with learning how to masturbate, then came porn at age 12, then anonymous sex with strangers in my early 20s which led to the lack of being monogamous in my past. Moving Mountains brought me freedom through connection with others in search of freedom. Through that search, I gained spiritual tools that I am learning to build on to fight for the kingdom of God.
Delivered of Sexual Sin
During session 18-19, God showed me a memory where I was inappropriately touched by two guys that I thought were safe people. He showed me where he was in the memory where he stopped them from doing more. He showed me that they had planned on doing much more to me. This situation bothered me for years, I felt such shame and guilt. But when Jesus showed me what he protected me from, it brought me such peace and showed me that he will always be there for me. This was so powerful!
Healed of Sexual Abuse
In the past my family has had a history of arthritis. My mom has had both knees replaced because of this. I was struggling with terrible knee pain and couldn’t even move after sitting down for just a few minutes and I’m only in my early 30s. During Generational Healing week, right before our small group threw our family trees in the fire I remembered to write down “arthritis” and pray over it. A few days later I honestly had forgotten about it. Someone else close to me asked how my knee was doing and it was then I realized I had no more pain, and I was healed! Now I’m back to doing all the normal fun things in life I haven’t done in months!
Healed of Arthritis
During each Moving Mountains session I was blessed in some way that helped to draw me closer to God. There were strongholds that I did not realize were still attached to me. However, my greatest breakthrough came during the last small group week around 7:04 pm when I got a text message from my ex-husband stating that the balance of our son’s tuition from last year had been paid. We still owed $11,699 that needed to be paid before my son could register for his senior year at Hampton University. This issue was one of the things I had to trust God for the money. It was so amazing that it came during testimonial time! I give God all the praise and the glory. He is a miracle working God!!!
Financial Breakthrough
Moving mountains went much deeper than all of the other freedom ministry courses I’ve completed. I especially like how it draws you closer to Jesus with the prayers throughout and relevant examples of how to and when to use them. This curriculum provides more of a guide, the how to which is of much benefit. It also goes into some areas that the other courses did not. These areas were so eye-opening as well as life-changing for me. I also appreciate the sessions being only a few pages long. This made it much easier to complete the curriculum. This is not a book that I will be putting on the shelf. It is one that I will be referring to frequently if not daily as part of maintaining freedom.
Closer to Jesus
After a combination of Moving Mountains and the prayer appointment I had, I could more visibly see my heart before and after. It was red around the edges with gray & black scratches and wounds in the middle. Then I saw it red around the edges but the middle was covered in ointment like a healing balm. Also in the listening prayer moments with trauma, Jesus showed me where he was and I heard from him.
Inner healing
The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that there was a word curse on my life (something my dad had said when I was a kid), which was preventing me from having a healthy romantic relationship. The demon attached to the word curse manifested physically on the small group night of breaking generational curses and I have been delivered! Praise Jesus!!
Set Free from a Word Curse
Greatest breakthrough for me was in session 23, hidden traps. During my life, I was involved in many, if not most of the occult activities listed on the questionnaire. When I confessed the sins and repented asking for forgiveness, then renounced, I experienced a tangible physical release, weight lifted off me. Both sessions 23 and 24 were very, very educational and instrumental in my learning. Also, I understand now the concept of neglectful rejection as opposed to just rejection. This helped me to extend grace to the person I felt rejection from. I also know that God is proud of me, in spite of the things that I felt guilty about not doing better.
Deliverance from Occult/Witchcraft
If you would’ve asked me a year ago or even six months ago what peace felt like I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. I was overridden by anxiety, feeling like I never had a moment of silence in my mind. I identified with my diagnoses of major depressive syndrome, borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder. When I started Moving Mountains I was already at rock bottom. I was self-harming every day and was certain the world would be a better place without me. I was consumed with self-hatred and projecting that feeling onto God and all the people in my life. During the session on generational healing, I was worshiping and usually begging for my anxiety to go away but this time I asked God if He was happy with me and I saw him write in my mind “yes, you are healed,” then I felt Him hug me from behind and I have never experienced that before. From that day to now I haven’t had a panic attack, any feelings of social anxiety, and I have not even thought of self harming. I know now that I may go through bad circumstances but nothing can take away the healing I have through God and nothing can take away my peace and joy that surpass all understanding.
Healed of Anxiety, Depression and Personality Disorder
I joined a Moving Mountains small group in early September. On Sept. 20 I had a breast mammogram. The results came back 5 days later that I had a mass on my right breast. I was feeling anxiety because my family has a generational history of breast cancer. (Grandmother, two aunts and a cousin all on my mother’s side).
On October 2nd (generational healing session) I attended a group with my family tree in hand along with the medical test results stating a mass was found. We prayed & burned them in the fire. I came back inside, sat down and out of nowhere I began to vomit over and over. I was thinking “I am not sick. Why am I throwing up?” I continued to vomit until it stopped.
A week later I went for a breast biopsy and the doctor asked if I was cold because he saw my lips moving, I told him, “No I am just praying”. After the procedure the doctor sent me next door for another mammogram. That same Friday I received a call from my doctor and he said, “I have your results back and there is no trace of a mass or cancer.” We sent you for a second mammogram to confirm it was gone and it is!”. I thanked him and hung up. I was so happy I did a praise dance on the side of the Arlington Expressway exit. I thank my freedom family and I share this with hope that this encourages someone else. This generational curse has stopped with me!
Breast Cancer Healed
I would like to thank my daughter for inviting me to take this course with her. As a matter of fact, both of my daughters and I took this together. My oldest is in Montgomery, AL. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. The Lord showed up for me each week. I received FREEDOM in a lot of areas some of which I thought I was already free in. But God revealed things that were hidden, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to get them right. I’m choosing to share this piece because I think it’s what has been holding me back my entire life. Here goes. I’ve struggled with feeling insecure and not good enough for as long as I can remember. I do not trust anyone easily. My parents got divorced when I was sixteen years old then went on with their lives as if my sister and I didn’t exist. I’m the middle child of three. I have an older sister and a younger brother. This breakup left me homeless. When the divorce was finalized, my mom took my brother and moved back to her hometown in Georgia, my dad reenlisted in the army for another tour. My sister had been taken out of the home a year or two earlier and was in foster care so that left me. My senior year in high school was not enjoyable. I didn’t go to the prom or the senior trip etc. Over the years of walking with the Lord I thought I had forgiven my parents for leaving me and not taking care of me or protecting me. But this course revealed the real truth about my unforgiveness and my dislike I secretly felt towards my parents. I never thought my insecurities were due to being abandoned. Honestly, I didn’t even know that I was abandoned until this course. This explains a LOT. I THANK GOD FOR HEALING, DELIVERANCE, AND FREEDOM!!
Healed of Abandonment
God truly began to change and fix my heart. Before Moving Mountains, I viewed myself as kind and loving and had done all the forgiving I could do. As someone sexually abused, I figured I could never forgive the person who hurt me. That sexual trauma changed my perspective on men, marriage, myself, and God. However, through in-depth prayers, scripture, and insightful group discussions, I found out there was NOTHING outside of God's realm of healing.
After Moving Mountains, I forgave family members I never thought I would willingly speak to again. I began to repent for all the harsh judgments I placed on men specifically. I acknowledged my faults in failed romantic relationships, identified the source of the problems, and reached out to those I hurt to ask for their forgiveness. I now understand that God was never apart from me in any of the things I went through and that He was always there, desiring to be closer to me. I'm so grateful for this freedom ministry.
In the beginning, God showed me my heart which was half red and half black, with black spots growing over to the red side. After finishing the curriculum, my heart was almost entirely red, with a small amount of darkness on the left side. I understand that healing and freedom are processes, and God is not finished with me. I am so grateful to have grown closer to God and invite Him into my heart and life.
Healed of Unforgiveness and Abuse
The Lord has done so many things during these 8 weeks! How do I pick? I’ll try to make it as short as possible:
During week 6 when we discussed anger & posed the question to God: “What’s your level of anger?” He immediately told me “8” which was an absolute surprise to me. I didn’t think I was any angrier than the average person with “normal” triggers, so I said the prayer at the end of the session and moved on.
Over the next few days, I had a series of dreams where God was pointing out anger in my life, along with the verse – “Be angry, but sin not.”
The following weekend He instructed me to go to my grandmother’s house for 2 days. During regular conversation, my grandmother mentioned a hatred she had for a certain race & immediately the Holy Spirit alerted me to the anger that ran deep in my bloodline.
That night I went to sleep & physically felt the spirit of anger come upon me, and instead of rejecting it I came into agreement with it, realizing in that moment, I felt powerful & I heard so clearly, “Until you hate what I hate (meaning, unrighteous anger) you won’t be free from it.”
Upon waking up it dawned on me that I cradled anger, like my pet demon, and prior to that encounter, I couldn’t see it for what it was. I woke up and asked the Holy Spirit to help me release it. I cried out to God, my Papa, giving Him all the hurt, disappointments, resentment, fear, insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, trauma, etc. Suddenly, I felt the spirit of anger lift off of me, & I immediately began to praise God for moving the mountain of anger into the sea!!! Thank you Jesus!
Set Free from Anger
This freedom course has done above and beyond my expectant prayers. I knew when I started, there were roots underneath that I needed to open up and give to God, but I couldn't identify them to begin to hand them to God to be healed.
I come from a poverty background, riddled with witchcraft, abuse, and more. This course truly helped me break off the shackles of those generational sins, that I wouldn't have identified without this course.
In this process, in addition to healing those spiritual wounds from my family, I found wounds that only God knew I had that were surrounding my finances. His new word for me has been "steward," so I've been learning to steward my finances in new ways.
I've always tithed, but felt like the rest of the money was something I had to figure out on my own, but God showed up in a new area. I've created and funded an emergency fund, and have paid off over half of my credit card debt just since the beginning of this course. (Wow! That was only 8 weeks ago.)
This was a huge blessing I didn't expect, but The Lord showed up in ways I didn't know how to. All Glory to God!
Generational Healing and Financial Breakthrough
Today at my Moving Mountains group we were to discuss generational healing [Session 13]. This is something I have dreaded, it has felt so heavy. My family has a very deep history, things like murder, suicide, substance abuse, divorce, abandonment, and witchcraft.
When we were talking in group, I could hear the demon spirit begging me please don’t burn it [the family tree, where we write down the known sins of our family, renounce them, then burn the page]…please don’t let me go! Please! Please! And I felt a pull deep in my soul. I felt like I was being pulled down like a child pulling on your pant leg. When I tossed the paper into the fire I felt the evil spirit screaming. I felt it clinging on to me telling me, "If you let me go, they'll think you’re crazy, they’re already watching you."
When I went back inside and sat down, I just kept praying, “Heal my family; take these sins” and I lost control. I felt it begging me—pleading to stay—and I heard someone say, “Just let it out” And that’s all I needed to know. “They don’t think I’m crazy,” I thought. “I can let go of this.” I could not hear what anyone around me was saying and I just sat in what I can only explain as God’s light and just told Him to take it because it’s too heavy . And He did! I felt a lift so strong, I thought I would float out of my chair. I felt a laughter—I cannot explain the joy. I felt more peace than I have ever felt. The anxious and suicidal voice that narrated my life is now quiet. I feel SET FREE! Praise God!!
Delivered from a Spirit of Death and SuicideHealing and Financial Breakthrough
My husband and I signed up for the Moving Mountains small group at my church. Before the group started my husband had severe back pain. After many tests he endured he found that he had a ruptured disc that was pinching a nerve. He was unable to walk without a walker. The orthopedic surgeon told us the only way for him to feel better and possibly walk was for him to have surgery. The day before his surgery he relapsed with alcohol. He told me he needed some help so we both thought it would be in his best interest to go to a drug rehab center. March 9 I took him to rehab and he was not able to complete this course. I canceled his surgery that was scheduled the next day.
As I was praying one morning, the Lord told me that I needed to forgive my husband. I did not know I needed to even forgive him, but I did. It turned out that I had been carrying a lot of pain and heartache that he had caused from past relapses. I also knew I had to deal with the anger and shame. I prayed for my husband daily for healing from his back, anxiety, depression, alcoholism and to find his true identity. One morning, while I was praying, the Lord told me that he had healed him. This past Sunday when I went to see him he was walking normally without a walker. He has had no physical therapy or surgery. I believe the Lord has also healed him from alcoholism. I have had so much freedom since I forgave him! On another note, my brother received salvation on Easter Sunday. Hallelujah! God is so good!
Physical Healing and Forgiveness
Toward the beginning of the workbook, there were pictures involving a bird being free from its cage. Feathers and a key were also pictured. That particular week I had several friends (even in different states) who pray for me regularly see these things physically or symbolically in listening to prayer as images to share with me! They expressed their strong sense that God wanted me to have peace, rest and to be free. Of course when I told them about Moving Mountains and the images in my workbook they couldn't believe it! It was so encouraging.
For the generational healing potion, I was amazed at how the timing of this lesson fell shortly after my maternal grandmother passed away. As a result, I spent hours helping my mom look through generations of pictures and memories right when I was doing this workbook. It also prompted me to ask questions of my parents that we had never covered before.
And finally, on the last night of my small group we revisited forgiveness. The leader led us to picture the person we are forgiving as a child and hand them over to God our Father. That was extremely powerful for me because the last few months God has led me to picture myself as a little girl when I was still innocent and trusting. He showed me that he wanted to bring healing to my broken heart and restore me back to the innocence of that little girl. However, I had never pictured the person I needed to forgive as a child too. That was extremely humbling and it accelerated my willingness to forgive him. I'm so grateful.
Forgiveness and Emotional Healing
First, I must give thanks to my Heavenly Father for this experience. Secondly, I want to thank all facilitators for the time spent to put this all together to sharpen the lives of other fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. My first day I was so excited the Lord revealing and opening things up to me of the process, and the finished results was breathtaking.
Until I had to be exposed and had to self-examine myself made me feel so uncomfortable but I'm thankful I continued this journey and embraced the process because I would have missed the blessing he had in store for me. I literally have become sharper in recognizing the voice of God. Also, this course has opened my understanding of the Bible even more. He revealed areas I didn't even know I struggled with like control and anger. I honestly believe after going through the process in week 4 things begin to really change for me inside and out.
I can go on and on but this entire 8 weeks have blessed me tremendously. Hearing his voice more and more and understanding his word along with inner and physical healing I wouldn't trade this transformation experience for anything. I truly experienced growth and gained clarity on what I believe I'm purposed to do as far as the building of God's kingdom.
Physical and Inner Healing
I had multiple breakthroughs, but the biggest breakthrough was understanding my battle with financial freedom. I don’t stress when it comes to my bills, I know God will always provide and help us meet our needs. However, we have a lot of debt. Freedom showed me that while I trust God to meet our monthly needs, I did not trust Him to perform a miracle and get rid of our debt. I was thinking “How can our debt go away miraculously when we don’t play the lottery, I’m not due some refund that has been held up, I don’t have an inheritance I am expecting, etc.” and when I realized that, I realized I was not fully trusting God to take care of me. I was not placing my finances fully in His hands. I was assuming only worldly options could erase out debt. While we are still not free of our debt, I have fully surrendered my finances to God and I am declaring that I will have a new testimony to share on our financial freedom!
Financial Breakthrough
About 2 1/2 years ago the Lord showed me a memory from my childhood that brought so much pain and shame. I didn’t want to deal with it and suppressed the memory again. In doing so, I created a wall between the Lord and myself and I didn’t feel as close to Him as I was used to. I wasn’t flowing in my gifts like before either. I had completely blocked that memory out of my mind and over the course of those 2 1/2 years I was always trying to figure out why I didn’t feel as intimate with the Lord and I was so frustrated. I honestly gave up hope that it would go back to the way it was before. When I got to the forgiveness portion of Moving Mountains, the Lord brought back the memory to my mind. I felt more ready to deal with it and prayed that day and felt like I needed to share it the memory with my group. It was the first time I ever said out loud what had happened to me as a child. I felt so much shame break off and several of the ladies could actually relate to me and made me not feel alone. My group leader led me in an inner healing prayer right away and Jesus showed me where he was in that situation. While this helped a lot, I knew I still needed to process it with the Lord privately too. I sat down to pray a week or so later and told the Lord all of my feelings and fears that came from it and let the Lord speak to me. He took me back to our secret place that I hadn’t seen in years. I felt his love and presence in a way I never thought I would again. Things that had been stolen, like my ability to journal with him, came back immediately. I started receiving prophetic words for people around me again and I have been able to operate in my giftings as well. The Lord has brought back so much love and passion for His Kingdom and ministry. I cannot thank the leaders of our Freedom ministry enough for pouring out each week and the ladies at my table for being so vulnerable and bearing their souls with me and raising my arms when I was weary.
Healed of Childhood Trauma